Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Lend a heart....

I read about the Benson family on Lost and Found a while back and now it seems their journey is coming to an end and another one is beginning, as they say hello and good-bye to their beautiful Molly. If you have a moment to stop by and lend some Internet love and support to them, I am sure they could use it. Here is where you can find them and the story of their Molly.


Aunt Becky said...

Oh, my heart is breaking. Into a million pieces.

Thank you for passing the link on.

Amy said...

This is such a heart wrenching story not that all of ours are not heart wrenching. This just seems to add to the sinking boat. They are an incredible family facing such a difficult road. Thank you for sharing.

Hope you are doing alright yourself.

Antigone said...

So much sadness and so much strength.

Kathy said...

Hi there. I am just now starting to go back and read so many of the kind comments that people, like you, left for us around the time our Molly was born and died. I have been following the links to many of the blogs of the commenters and found my way to yours tonight. Anyway, thank you for this post and for sending your readers/friends our way to give us the support and care that we so needed at that time. I look forward to returning to your blog in the days to come and learning more about you and your story. Thank you again.

Take care,